Haven't submitted crap to the portal since late November, early December and after many (many [many {many}]) many hours of video game playing (Halo 3 and Halo Wars, send me an invite. And many many MANY days of constant musical training I have finally learned enough, in enough, instruments to make a new song.
No more Notessimo, no more FL Studio, no more cock-suckingly boring bullshit cover-ups of not having studio quality mics.
No more half-ass bullshit, "sounds good, but essentially isn't" crap
No more JROTC
No more moth... MOTH, NOT MOTHER-fucking elephant bullshit dick Eaters @)._.(@
From now on it's pure unadulterated hardcore (with pianos and string instruments :D) music that wracks thy soul to the core.
In other news, I am currently working on a new song (NO FUCKING SHIT IDIOT) that should be out mid-April
I am also working on a few flash games that are going to rock your Galaga meets Raiders of the Lost Ark Bulltruing MOTHER-FUCKING CONSTANTLY BULLTRUING ME WITH A SHOTGUN IN TEAM SWORDS MAKING MY FUCKING TRUESKULL GO DOWN FUCKING COCK SUCKING DICK-RODS!!!
If this is offensive to anybody I truly appologize to you for YOU BEING A COMPLETE GENITAL SACK!