I'm sick and tired of people on Newgrounds, saying "oh, mario sucks, it's the worst game ever, it's so stupid, etc." when they haven't uploaded crap, and if they have, it usually is exactly what I just called it, crap. I'm not going against free speech, i'm just saying, if you're going to say all this shit about the most popular game franchise ever devised, you better have the substance, whether it be moral, illegal, or a game that you made that tops it, THAT, over 10 million people have bought it and liked it more then Mario... So, for all of you who think that making parodies, songs, movies, or games of Mario is just making more shit out of a bigger pile of shit, go fuck a camel in Oklahoma
People have different opinions, what does it matter? It's not an unknown fact that most of the newgrounds population is intrested in a more violent genre of video games.
exactly who cares? you obviously do since your defending the people... you hypocritical banana